Hi! I am Yen-Ming Chen

Founder of Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

Assistant Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Communication Engineering

Hi! I am Yen-Ming Chen

Founder of Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

Assistant Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Communication Engineering

My Story

I have been leading the band on the musical path since 2001. With my strong interest in both harmonica music and academic/scientific research, I try to always push my own expectations of myself so that I can contribute my skills and knowledge in both fields.

My harmonica journey started during high school where I joined the school harmonica club. Sirius Harmonica Ensemble was born in my third year of university. With three friends, we founded the band, since then, I have been playing the role of the chord player and leader of the band. The harmonica scene back then was very different from how it is today. The learning materials were scarce, and it was the dawning era of many current harmonica compositions and performance styles. Despite the insufficient resources, the love for harmonica music keeps us moving while learning it the hard way.

In the year 2011, I set out an academic research career after completing the doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering’. Click here for more academic-related information.

One of the questions I get asked most often is about the potential conflicts between the fields of scientific research and music. In my belief, rationality and emotion are not mutually exclusive and can coexist happily. When it comes to inspiring music, great work requires both rationality and a sense of symphonic harmony to complement each other. It works the same for academic research. I am fortunate to be uniquely placed with regards to my life experience which allows me to fuse different life perspectives.


2013 World Harmonica Festival Jury, Performer and Workshop Host 

2014 – 2019 Seoul International Harmonica Festival Jury, Performer and Workshop Host 

Endorser at Hohner
