Hi! I am Chao-Teng Chang

Chromatic Harmonica Player at Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

Full-time Harmonica Teacher

Harmonica Maker at Laelaps

Hi! I am Chao-Teng Chang

Chromatic Harmonica Player at Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

Full-time Harmonica Teacher

Harmonica Maker at Laelaps

Hi! I am Chao-Teng Chang

Chromatic Harmonica Player at Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

Full-time Harmonica Teacher

Harmonica Maker at Laelaps

My Story

Yang Zheng Xiang was my first harmonica teacher. I took part in the Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival in Hong Kong and won second place in the solo category. It was two years since I had started learning the harmonica and also it was the first time taking part in a competition overseas. This competition gave me the opportunity to listen to and learn from world-leading harmonica virtuosos such as Franz Chmel, Yasuo Watani and Sigmund Groven. This experience really inspired me to step into this career. The most valuable lesson I learnt during that festival was “Having good technical playing skills is not enough: to be a great performer, you must also learn the art of interpreting.”

I was majoring in education and a minor in music during my university years. Eventually, I made my way to mark the first “case” harmonica performance major in Taiwan. The lessons my professor, Shen Diau-Long, gave me taught me that playing the harmonica was not only about the performance technique but also on musical theory. Subsequently, the folk music major I took in graduate school incorporated the understanding of music from different perspectives such as sociology and history.

Apart from playing the chromatic harmonica with Sirius, I have performed live with various bands and orchestras. Among them, I have had the experience of performing with the Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers and the well-known conductor, Jin Chengzhi,  at the National Concert Hall, which was a significant milestone on my performance journey. Besides this, I have performed with the Taiwan Wind Ensemble, the Taipei Youth Choir, the Chang Hua City Chinese Orchestra, the Sizhukong Youth Jazz Band, the Hu Lu Dun Accordion Band and many more. In addition, I also took part in the recordings for the soundtrack to the Taiwan Television Programmes and dramas such as Songs Blowing Over The IslandHot Door NightPili puppet show soundtrackUtopia For The 20s, Loving Dream etc. Last but not least, I have been invited to be the guest speaker in the product video of HOHNER Super 64 & 64x.


2012  Gold Prize winner at both adult diatonic and chromatic solo category in Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival (APHF)

2013  World Harmonica Festival Jury, Performer and Workshop Host 

2014 – 2019  Seoul International Harmonica Festival Jury, Performer and Workshop Host 

2018  Founded the Harmonica Brand Laelaps
